What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a complete system of well-being connected to the physical, physiological and psychological body.
Ayurveda in Sanskrit means ''the science of life'' ( 'ayur'=life and 'veda'=knowledge).
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language (and the sacred language of Hinduism) the language in which Ayurveda was written down.
Originated in India more than 4000 years ago, Ayurveda encompasses the entire life of a person - body, mind and spirit and it was well established before the birth of Buddha. Since it is a combination of science and philosophy, it details the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects necessary for health. Medicinal plants) is only one spoke of on the Ayurvedic wheel and to benefit fully from Ayurveda it is helpful to consider the other elements, including meditation, yoga, massage, sound and music therapy, breathing exercises, aromatherapy and more.
The approach is vastly different from conventional Western medicine. It can be considered as a programme for living, which addresses every part of human life and puts it into the context of our environment. By following an Ayurvedic approach we can develop ways to remain balanced in times of increasing stress, pressure and worry. Most importantly , we can adopt a lifestyle that works to create harmony, preventing illness and encouraging us to heal much more quickly when we do become ill.
According to Ayurveda, health is a perfect state of balance amongst the body's three fundamental energies called doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). Ayurvedic principles hold that each person has a particular pattern of energy, an individual combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics known as a constitution (dosha, body humor). In Vedic philosophy, our lives become meaningful when we strive to fulfil our potential, but this cannot be achieved without basic good health.
Every Ayurvedic treatment is aimed at restoring balance of the three constitutional factors (doshas).
What makes Ayurvedic Massage Therapy unique?
Every Ayurvedic massage treatment is individualized since it is based on:
Dosha constitution.
Marma (vital) points
Warm herbal oils
What is a marma point?
Marma points - 107 in total - are vital points connected to specific organs and functions of the body.
Marma location points are found at the special junctures of vessels, muscles, ligaments, bones, joints and other tissues meet anatomically. Marmas are used therapeutically in Ayurveda to bring in a shift of consciousness in the cells, hence their energetical effect.
Dr. VasantLad says that when we apply pressure to marma points we “activate the body’s inner pharmacy, changing the biochemistry and can unfold radical, alchemical change in one’s makeup.”
Pressure to the marma points also aims to stimulate bodily organs and system as it stimulates the release of certain transmitters like endorphins.

''Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food''